Jay-Z admits: there is no Religion

So basically dude says he does not believe in one religion, that there is one god and that he isn't apart of any devil worshiping click. But he didn't explain the whole FREEMASON bullshit either....lying asshole.
here's the video!

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Based - The art of being that one retarded dude, on purpose.

So there is an interview with Lil-B,hes developing his own following these days. Apparently he has managed to turn something negative into a positive and its all the new thing. And just like skinny jeans, its taking over. Basically, the "BASED" style is to blindly and sometimes incoherently rhyme, not actually conscious of ones thinking and words. Some shit like that, just have an open mind i guess.
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Kanye West admits to selling his soul to the "Devil."

Kanye evidently is still that super emotional guy that wants you to hate him, but its so hard to do that when you got the devil co-signin your checks!

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